Sydney Living Hope Community Church

Our Vision

Under God, we seek to build up the church of Christ by raising disciples in this generation and the next who glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

A Hope-giving Church to Glorify God

The missing ingredient in so many Christians, especially in the 2nd generation is hope. So many seem to be simply going through the motions, stuck in routine.

That is not what we have been called for. A Christian life lived at the edges, with the very bare minimum is a joy-ebbing, tiring burden. The biblical call is that all areas of our lives belong to Christ. Not just our “church” life but also our work and family lives. Not just our minds, but also our hearts and bodies.

So we seek to be a hope giving church as we remain faithful to these important three essentials.
1. Right Teaching
2. Right Living
3. Right Heartedness

A Balanced Church to Enjoy God

The tendency of mankind is to go to extremes, to emphasise one area to the point of denying another.

To enjoy God as we should, we therefore need a balanced approach to our church.
1. Bible-based & Spirit-filled
2. Proactive & Prayerful
3. Growing & Personal
4. Historical & Contemporary
5. Local & Global
6. Presbyterian & Open-denominational
7. Korean & Multi-ethnic
8. 1st Generational & 2nd Generational

A Growing Church to Build-up the Body of Christ

1.5/2nd generation is a broad, almost un-reached group. Many in this group have never belonged to, or have left Christian communities. As they graduate from high school and enter university, and then enter the workforce, so many silently disappear from the church. This is due to disillusionment, through hurt, or simple apathy, and this pattern has been in effect for many years.

We aim to reach out to these people and raise them up as faithful followers of Christ. So our initial aim is towards the 1.5/2nd generation English-speaking Korean-Australians. As this is done, they can then impact their friends and peers of other ethnic backgrounds.

As our church is an English-based church, there are no language barriers for them to attend and join. Thus our long-term aim is towards people of all ethnic backgrounds and cultures coming together for the common purpose of glorifying God and enjoying Him forever with the common language of English.

An Interdependent Church to Raise Disciples in this Generation and the Next

God gives us a community to love and to grow with. Biblically, such a community is spread across several generations. Generational issues such as language, attitudes, and priorities which are not entrenched ungodly and unbiblical ones cannot be a reason for division along generational lines. Connections and relationships must be maintained.

However, the focus of ministry towards 1st generation and 2nd generation can differ widely and both are equally valid and important. To have the 2nd generation English ministry as a part of the overall 1st generation church will require compromises and adjustments on the part of the both ministries which are not ideal. Autonomous direction for both ministries must be allowed.

Thus, instead of the 2nd generation breaking off to be totally separate and independent of the first, or staying under the direction and control of the 1st generation, we have adopted the Interdependent Church Model. We have formed this partnership with Ggumi-In-Nun Church (). This is two churches side by side, autonomous in ministry, but interdependent in an ongoing partnership with each other. This interdependence is seen in the partnership for several ministries.

1. Children’s and Youth Ministries - in raising up the next generation properly and healthily, a co-operative effort between the 1st generation and 2nd generation adults is essential.
2. Outreach - as we engage in outreach in the local community and abroad, we seek to do so as a united community, with both the 1st generation and 2nd generation taking part in a co-operative effort.
3. Prayer - as two interdependent churches, we seek to build up our relationship as we seek God in prayer together. Saturday morning prayer services will be a combined 1st and 2nd generation meeting.

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